Full Length Orthotic/Insole

Please input your previous order number. A refund will be sent for the lesser of the two orders minus any extras, such as edge and plate supports or patterns, joints, and footbeds for shoe lasts. If uncertain of fit, it is best to choose the option below for a mockup fitting model. Additional revisions beyond the first have a $5 processing fee.
You have chosen to order a customizable 3D printed pair of components, which may be ordered in a variety of sizes or matched to a shoe last of your choice. It will be developed within the stated lead time and shipped to you.
You have chosen to order a pair of 3D printed physical samples (select size and other options below). These are intended for businesses for evaluation purposes when considering whether or not to incorporate 3D printing into their workflow. The pair will be developed and 3D printed within the stated lead time and shipped to you. For help selecting a size, see this FAQ tip. If you need to reorder a different size, there is a 20% discount. Please make sure to read our order policies here.
You have chosen to order a customizable 3D model, which maybe ordered in a variety of sizes or designed to match a shoe last of your choice. It will be developed within the stated lead time and emailed to you as a 3D model with stl file format.
You have chosen to order a parametric 3D model. It is intended to be used in the 3DShoemaker plugin within Rhinoceros 3D. It is a 3DM file that will be immediately available for download after purchase. In the case of cupsoles and shoes, these geometries are morphable rather than parametric.
You have chosen to order a static 3D model of the size specified in the description. This type of model is usually chosen by a shoemaker with their own grading system. It comes in both stl and iges format and will be immediately available for download after purchase.
You have chosen to order a digital standard size 3D model (this is a digital product, not a physical product). Size and other options can be selected below. It will be developed within the stated lead time and emailed to you as a 3D model with stl file format. Included is a free fit adjustment via that order type selected above. If uncertain of fit, it is advisable to first choose the option for a mockup fitting model below (refundable).
Please tell us the name of the shoe last you would like us to match this component to. We'll look for it in your order and match it. If ordering multiple sizes, please tell us which size this orthotic is for. If it is from a different order, please tell us the order number as well.

default for full orthotic is 45 and 3/4 orthotic is 90
value should be at least slightly more than one nozzle diameter and default is 0.9mm

SKU: N/A Category:


This is a full length orthotic/insole. It can be customized based on your requests, ordered as a parametric model, or just the static model which is a US men’s size 9C. By default the base thickness is 3mm with a low arch height but both of these can be customized in the design and footbed customization sections of the ordering form.


Additional information

Order Type

Physical 3D Printed Sample, Digital 3D Model – Standard Size, Digital 3D Model – Adjusting fit of Previous Order (Free), Digital 3D Model – Parametric, Digital 3D Model – Static, Physical 3D Print, Digital 3D Model


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