In my last couple 3DShoemaker tutorials, I showed how to morph shoemaking patterns from one shoe last to another, and also how to flatten them. But what if you don’t have any shoemaking patterns in the first place? In this tutorial, I’ll explain how you might go about drawing patterns […]
Monthly Archives: May 2022
Flattening patterns for shoemaking is now possible in the latest version of 3DShoemaker (1.011). In this tutorial, I’ll explain how it’s done. Assuming you already have a pattern consisting of curves on a shoe last, the first step is to put them on a layer called ‘Flatten’. If this layer […]
This tutorial covers morphing of shoemaking patterns from one shoe last to another. Morphing is a new capability in the latest version of 3DShoemaker (V1.011 currently). It allows for the mapping of geometries from one shoe last to another. This is a huge time saver as it means accessory designs […]
While a parametric approach to shoe last design has numerous advantages, it can make it challenging to achieve a smooth shoe last surface. In this tutorial I’ll cover some basic techniques for achieving a smooth shoe last surface in 3DShoemaker. The corresponding video for this tutorial uses the shoe last […]
In this post I’m going to explain how to work with reference images when designing shoe lasts and components in 3DShoemaker. Using reference images is a great way to simplify the design process. There is a virtually unlimited collection of footwear images on the web at your disposal, after all. […]
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how measurements work in 3DShoemaker. This will include both foot and last measurements as well as size indices, allowances, and template adapt options. There is a video version of the tutorial above, but I think I did a better job explaining things in […]
In this post I’ll cover the basics of designing parametric wedges, platforms, and high heel shoe components in 3DShoemaker. The process for designing heels, wedges, and platforms (bottom components) in 3DShoemaker is pretty much the same as with designing shoe lasts. First you put in basic measurements for the corresponding […]
In this post I’ll explain how to import 2D foot images into 3DShoemaker for making custom and bespoke shoe lasts. The first step is to press the ‘Import’ button in the side panel. You can choose a foot tracing or 2D foot scan. Then follow along with the prompts to […]
In this post I’ll show you how to achieve a shoe last with a foot shaped bottom in 3DShoemaker. Most shoe lasts have a fairly flat bottom that is essentially an offset of the sole surface of the intended footwear. An insole fits into the shoe after construction and it […]